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Blog Archive

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

I had a dream the other night where I was in a very large and rather scary building that I really wanted out of. I felt alone and hadn't recognized anyone I knew or seemed vaguely attached or related to in any way. There were signs everywhere, but I couldn't stop. I was aware though that the signs showed a man whose eyes I felt followed me and whose arms seemed to be reaching out to me. But I ran past, a little afraid to stop. But the next sign would show the same man crying with his head in his hands as if my running past him had broken his heart. So I looked for a way out. After searching for some time and going down what seemed endless dark passageways and ""no entry"" signs, I finally came to a door.

It looked like any ordinary door. Hinges, door handle, not a bad coat of paint and varnish.
So I put my hand on the handle and tried to open it cautiously. I felt it move a little. Then a lot! It seemed that immediately behind it was another door and on that one the hinges were loose and the door was falling forwards onto the first door. I soon realized there were many doors just like this, one after the other and I was in deep trouble.

Then a man appeared, from BEHIND all the doors and was amazingly holding them all up with the greatest of ease!!
"I'm sorry", I said, not sure what else to say.
"It's OK", the man said. "Happens all the time".
"Why don't you fix the door then"? I offered. It seemed the obvious solution.
One corner of the man's mouth moved into a knowing smile.
"Because people must learn that some doors are best left alone".
"But I couldn't find any other way out and I felt this was the final door".
"I understand", the man said. "But in your agitation to get out, you have missed all the signs telling you how to get out".
"I saw signs sir, but they were only of a man either reaching out or crying. What use is he to me? I was reaching out and crying myself"!
The man studied me for a moment, perhaps with a saddened heart, and then he spoke without judgment, anger or frustration.
"My child, you were certainly in a very undesirable place. Many people have found themselves in this hell, sometimes through no fault of their own. So I have put myself all around them to try to call them out".
"It was you in those signs? It was you.....reaching out...crying..."?
"Hush my child. You're safe now".
He held me for a long while. We cried together. And I understood.

Jesus Himself is "the door".
He is the door to new life, happy life, meaningful life and eternal life.
Matthew 7:7 tells us that if we stand at the door and knock we can go in. The door will be opened.

If you've never had a personal meeting with Jesus please try to ask a friend or relative who you know is a professing Christian to help you step through this door to a new life. If you would like me to give you more information please email me and I will get back to you.

If you are already a Christian but you've felt recently that too many doors are closing on you or you're finding that you're leaving your burdens on the wrong side of the door, please ask someone to pray with you, or contact me if I can help.

Here is a short prayer in the meantime.

Lord, you know all of my needs. All of the burdens I carry that you are waiting to bear for me. All of the things in my life that need to go. And all of the good things that need to come in.
Help me to seek you earnestly but in simple and sincere words.
I want to feel you hold me. We could cry together.
Wait a moment Lord.
I need Your presence now.

(Now begin to speak to Jesus of those things that you have been keeping to yourself)

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd
